Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If I Had a Hammer

Just in case you missed my previous post about Jimmy Carter, let me reiterate: He acts like he has a peanut for a brain. Yes, of course, he's a fellow child of God. Sure, fine. Maybe he and I will have a good laugh about all this up in Heaven. For right now, though, his behavior is reckless and dangerous.

I'd also appreciate it if we could drop the whole "he may have been a terrible president, but he's a great ex-president" line. Great (or even marginal) ex-presidents don't go about making the world less safe.

I'm also beginning to call into question his philanthropic work with Habitat for Humanity, or at the very least, I would hope that someone was going behind him on all those house construction projects, checking his work. After his latest faux pas, I'm not sure he's even competent to hold a hammer up on a ladder.

I just read Michelle Malkin's article about the Peanut Farmer's not-so-excellent adventure and got incensed all over again.

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