Monday, March 31, 2008

A Nice Touch

Watching the opening game at Cincinnati just now, as Reds players and coaches took the field, every uniform was, well, uniform. Each and every one sported the number 41 and the name "Nuxhall" on the back. It was fitting tribute for Cincinnati legend Joe Nuxhall.

Mr Nuxhall was a left-handed pitcher for the Reds most of his career. That is, his first career. Immediately upon retirement he began announcing for the Reds, a position he kept until his death last November.

He also holds the record for being the youngest player ever in the majors. On June 10, 1944, 15-year old Joe Nuxhall filled out the war-depleted roster and pitched 2/3 of an inning.

Mr Nuxhall ended every broadcast with, "This is the old lefthander, rounding third and heading for home." Welcome home, Joe.

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