Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Of Peaches and Pavanes

I have so much to be thankful for - more than I could ever possibly put down in writing - so let me just offer two things from this evening:

Porter Peaches:  For those of you outside of Eastern Oklahoma, may I commend to you these slices (no pun intended) of Heaven?  We made our annual trek to Porter a week ago, and bought a few bushels.  They have continued to improve with the passing of time. I have at least one a day. Yesterday for lunch, I had a peach and a homegrown Beefsteak tomato that Jan Honaker so kindly gave me.  The Lord knew what he was doing when He made Summer!

Ravel's Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte: The other night, my friend Michael Homan was over. We were practicing for Michael to sing (and me to play piano) at a house blessing that our buddy Jim was going to. As we listened to the song on iTunes, one thing led to another and I got in a buyer's mode, purchasing songs I hadn't thought about in years. Michael (who is technically young enough to be my son) surprised me by knowing the lyrics to "Punky's Dilemma" by Simon & Garfunkel. I then learned that he and his best friend growing up were huge S&G fans in Minnesota. So there was more downloading and great rejoicing by all!  But I'm getting off the subject. I also (as I was pressing "Buy Now" for everything from Sting to Frank Sinatra to Toby Keith) thought of Maurice Ravel and, sure enough, found the Boston Symphony Orchestra's recording of the Pavane. In fact, it's playing now. I like this version because it takes 6:19. By contrast, the Chicago Symphony recording lumbers along for 6:48.  Normally, I think the world of the CSO, but the Boston recording is darn-near the perfect tempo.  And the music!  It's like Porter peaches for your ears!  I think it is my favorite piece of music ever. 

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